On 22 Dec, 2010
Prof. Zussman received the CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The $400,000 project entitled “Networking Wireless Rechargeable Devices – Modeling and Resource Allocation” will focus on the development and performance evaluation of resource allocation algorithms for wireless networks…
On 29 Nov, 2010
Prof. Rubenstein and Prof. Zussman take part in a project which is led by Civionics and funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The project entitled “WiWarn: An Intelligent Wireless Structural Sensing Solution for Urban Search and Rescue” will focus on developing…
On 21 Sep, 2010
Professors Rubenstein (PI), Kinget, Kymissis, Wang, and Zussman received a $1.2M grant from the Network Science and Engineering (NetSE) Program of the National Science Foundation (NSF). The team aims to develop Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs) which are thin…
On 20 Sep, 2010
Berk Birand received the Best Theory Session Talk award at the ACM S3’2010 workshop co-located with ACM MobiCom and ACM MobiHoc 2010. He presented his paper entitled “Analyzing the Performance of Greedy Maximal Scheduling via Local Pooling and Graph Theory”…
On 31 Aug, 2010
Following the receipt of the NSF Grant “Protecting Networks from Large-Scale Physical Attacks and Disasters” Prof. Alon Efrat and Prof. Gil Zussman participated in a radio interview at the PBS/NPR Arizona Public Media: UA Part of Grant to Prevent Telecommunications Breakdown Story…
On 24 Aug, 2010
An article titled “Researchers work to protect, restore vulnerable networks” which discusses our work in the area of network resilience appeared in Phys.Org.