Apoorva Gade and Robert Margolies received the EE MS Award of Excellence
The MS Award of Excellence is awarded annually by the Department of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University to fewer than 3% of the candidates for the M.S. degree to recognize outstanding achievement. This year, out of the 6 awards given out, 2 were awarded to WiMNet students.
Apoorva Gade recently received an M.S. in Electrical Engineering. In summer 2011 she performed a research project which focused on the design of energy efficient data collection protocols for robust and scalable wireless communications in urban search and rescue applications. Apoorva joined Oracle in Boston, MA as a software engineer.
Robert Margolies is a Ph.D student who has been performing research mostly within the EnHANTs project. He received his M.S. degree in Oct. 2012. He has been focusing on developing an energy efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for the UWB-IR physical layer, and on the hardware and software integration for the EnHANT prototype. Robert is an NSF Graduate Research Fellow and is a a co-recipient of the 2011 ACM SenSys Best Student Demo Award.