Columbia University


Dr. Tingjun Chen featured in the Duke ECE Magazine

Dr. Tingjun Chen featured in the Duke ECE Magazine

WiMNet former Ph.D. student Dr. Tingjun Chen who will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke was featured in an article in the Duke ECE Magazine highlighting incoming faculty. From the article: “Tingjun Chen will join the…

$3M Grant From the NSF IRNC Program Awarded to the COSM-IC Project

$3M Grant From the NSF IRNC Program Awarded to the COSM-IC Project

The NSF has awarded a $3M grant to the COSMOS Interconnecting Continents (COSM-IC) project as part of the International Research and education Network Connections  (IRNC) program. Prof. Zussman is the COSM-IC project PI and the co-PIs include Ivan Seskar and Prof….

Prof. Zussman is a co-PI on an NSF SII Planning Grant

Prof. Zussman is a co-PI on an NSF SII Planning Grant

The NSF has awarded a $300K/1yr Spectrum Innovation Initiative (SII) Planning Grant to a multi-university team led by Prof. Raychaudhuri at Rutgers. Prof. Zussman is one of the co-PIs, along with Professors Schulzrinne (Columbia CS), Rappaport (NYU Wireless), and Krunz…

Tingjun Chen defended his Ph.D. dissertation

Tingjun Chen defended his Ph.D. dissertation

Tingjun Chen successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation titled “Algorithms and Experimentation for Future Wireless Networks: From Internet-of-Things to Full-Duplex”. Over the past few years, Tingjun has made major contributions to WiMNet lab’s efforts in the areas of energy harvesting and…

WiMNet team wins 3rd place in the ACM MMSys’20 Twitch Grand Challenge

WiMNet team wins 3rd place in the ACM MMSys’20 Twitch Grand Challenge

A WiMNet team, including Ph.D. student Craig Gutterman, undergraduate students Trey Gilliland, Brayn Fridman, and Yusheng Hu, and Prof. Zussman won the 3rd place in the ACM MMSys’20 Grand Challenge by Twitch. The Grand Challenge focused on Adaptation Algorithms for…