Tingjun Chen defended his Ph.D. dissertation
Tingjun Chen successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation titled “Algorithms and Experimentation for Future Wireless Networks: From Internet-of-Things to Full-Duplex”.
Over the past few years, Tingjun has made major contributions to WiMNet lab’s efforts in the areas of energy harvesting and full duplex wireless. He also made important contributions to the design and deployment of the COSMOS testbed. While studying towards the Ph.D., Tingjun received the Facebook Fellowship in Networking and Connectivity, the Wei Family Private Foundation (WFPF) Fellowship, the Columbia Engineering Oscar and Verna Byron Fellowship, and the Columbia University Electrical Engineering Armstrong Memorial Award and Jacob Millman Award. He also received the ACM CoNEXT 2016 Best Paper Award and his paper was a finalist for the ACM MobiHoc 2019 Best Paper Award. For more details, see the following previous news items.
Tingjun will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Duke in Aug. 2021 after a Postdoc in Yale.