Columbia University

Dr. Maria Gorlatova joined Duke as an Assistant Professor

Dr. Maria Gorlatova joined Duke as an Assistant ProfessorDr. Maria Gorlatova, a former WiMNet Ph.D. student, joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University as an Assistant Professor in July 2018.

Maria received her Ph.D. in 2013  after defending her thesis titled “Energy Harvesting Networked Nodes: Measurements, Algorithms, and Prototyping”.

During and following her Ph.D. studies, Maria received the Columbia Presidential Fellowship, 2011 IEEE Award for Advances in Communications, 2016 IEEE Communications Society Young Author Best Paper Award, Columbia Electrical Engineering Department Jury Award, Canadian Graduate Scholar (CGS) NSERC Fellowship, Google Anita Borg Fellowship, ACM MobiSys’11 Ph.D. Forum Best Presentation Award, and ACM SenSys’11 Best Student Demo Award (for more details, see the following news items).

Since her graduation, Maria had been with IBM, D.E. Shaw Research, and Princeton University where she was an Associate Research Scholar and Associate Director of the Edge Lab.

For more details, see Duke Pratt School of Engineering news item and Columbia Electrical Engineering news item.