Columbia University

Kinetic Energy Harvesting Study featured in the MIT Technology Review Physics ArXiv Blog

tech-review-acc1MIT Technology Review Physics ArXiv Blog and several online outlets recently reviewed findings of a study focusing on energy harvesting from object and human motion. The study was conducted within the EnHANTs project by WiMNet Ph.D. student Maria Gorlatova, Ph.D. student John Sarik (from the Columbia Laboratory for Unconventional Electronics – CLUE), and WiMNet undergraduate student Mina Cong, with contributions by WiMNet students Sonal Shetkar and Kanghwan Kim.

The study focuses on object and human motion energy availability and properties in commonplace Internet of Things scenarios. It considers several commonplace object motions, and uniquely demonstrates unexpectedly low energy availability associated with some high-amplitude periodic object motions. It also examines the properties of common human motions (walking, running, bicycling) using a 40-participant human motion dataset that was collected in the past for activity recognition purposes. Additionally, it examines kinetic energy availability associated with normal human routines. This examination is based on over 200 hours of acceleration information associated with human daily routines that was collected as part of this study.

In March 2013, WiMNet student Mina Cong presented her contributions to this research in Columbia University Undergraduate Research Symposium (out of 40 posters accepted to the symposium, Mina’s work was one of only 4 chosen for an oral presentation).
