Columbia University

Dr. Igor Kadota to join Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor

Dr. Igor Kadota to join Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor

Dr. Igor Kadota, a WiMNet lab Postdoctoral Research Scientist, will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor in September 2023. He will be working at the intersection of rigorous theory and practical…

NYC Teachers in COSMOS-NewLAW Summer Program Win Top Honors at National Conference

NYC Teachers in COSMOS-NewLAW Summer Program Win Top Honors at National Conference

Teachers shared success using the COSMOS Education Toolkit with students to run experiments on the testbed in Columbia’s Morningside Heights campus. Teachers participating in the 2022 Cohort of the COSMOS-NewLAW Research Experience and Mentoring for Teachers (REM/RET) program won top awards at the annual Emerging…

Grant from the NSF SII-NRDZ program

Grant from the NSF SII-NRDZ program

Prof. Zussman is a PI of a $1.25 NSF Grant from the Spectrum Innovation Initiative: National Radio Dynamic Zones (SII-NRDZ) program, titled “Spectrum Sharing via Consumption Models and Telemetry – Prototyping and Field Testing in an Urban FCC Innovation Zone.” The…

Leoni Lu Receives the NSC Women in Spectrum Scholarship Award

Leoni Lu Receives the NSC Women in Spectrum Scholarship Award

The National Spectrum Consortium  awarded its inaugural Women in Spectrum Scholarship to four engineering students at the 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). Leoni Lu, a BS/MS student who has been conducting research in the WiMNet lab was selected as…