Columbia University

Posts Tagged "COSMOS"

WiMNet lab is part of a project funded by MediaTek

WiMNet lab is part of a project funded by MediaTek

In the not-so-distant future, many cities will be powered by AI, with smart sensors, cameras, and mobile phones continuously analyzing data to enhance safety, optimize traffic, and improve urban living. While this vision is almost within reach, a major roadblock…

Research Team Showcases AI-based Urban Traffic Applications at CVPR 2024

Research Team Showcases AI-based Urban Traffic Applications at CVPR 2024

Professors Zoran Kostic, Gil Zussman, Javad Ghaderi, and their students share their latest findings at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR). Original article by Xintian Tina Wang Imagine a “smart city” of the future where intelligent machines like…