WiMNet lab takes part in an NSF’s Convergence Accelerator Track G
Prof. Zussman is a co-PI on the INDIGO project which is funded as part of the NSF and DoD Convergence Accelerator’s Track G: Securely Operating Through 5G Infrastructure.
NSF and the Department of Defense Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, or DOD OUSD (R&E) selected 16 multidisciplinary teams for the Convergence Accelerator program 2022 cohort for the research topic — Track G: Securely Operating Through 5G Infrastructure. The Convergence Accelerator’s Track G: Securely Operating Through 5G Infrastructure overarching goal includes seeking enhancement to end devices and augmentations to 5G infrastructure, providing capabilities to military, government and critical infrastructure operators to operate through public 5G networks while meeting security and resilience requirements.
WiMNet lab is part of the Intelligent 5G Networks Designed and Integrated for Globalized Operations (INDIGO) team which is led by AT&T (PI: Tracy van Brakle) and includes participants from Rutgers, Howard University, UC Riverside, Ericsson, Juniper, Silicon Harlem and NYU. The team’s goal is to adopt a basic-building-blocks approach to meet the functional and security requirements of military missions and civilian first responder teams in near real-time through a system-of-systems/network-of-networks approach across focus areas (1) Planning and Composition, (2) Interoperability, and (3) Execution. This integrates a novel Artificial Intelligence Planner with a Service Management & Orchestration Framework and RAN Intelligent Controllers. INDIGO will ensure the timely transfer of information needed to connect every sensor and every actor despite the unique variations in network type, availability, traffic, and data across the lifecycle of a complex mission. The goal is to develop real-world solutions for securely operating through 5G infrastructures in allied, hostile, and contested areas, and also to develop new infrastructures and partnerships for future secure wireless solutions in pace with emerging 5G/6G standards. The latter’s importance extends beyond military applications into the civilian sphere given the integration of sensors and multi RAT (Radio Access Technologies) in Smart Cities initiatives and the Internet of Everything. Among other things, WiMNet labs contributions will include prototyping solutions on the COSMOS testbed.