Robert Margolies received the Egleston Doctoral Fellowship
WiMNet Ph.D. student Robert Margolies received the Egleston Doctoral Fellowship from the Columbia School of Engineering and Applied Science. The Egleston Doctoral Fellows Program provides $10,000 to be used during the doctoral studies at Columbia Engineering for research related equipment or expenses.
Robert received the B.S. degree (Summa Cum Laude) from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in 2010. He is the recipient of the Palmer C. Rickets Prize in Electrical Engineering for outstanding academic success at RPI as well as the Rensselaer Leadership Award and the RPI class of 2010 academic achievement award. During the summers of 2008-2010, Robert was an intern with BAE Systems and ITT Electronic Systems where he worked on military network and communications systems.
Robert has been developing an energy efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for a UWB physical layer as part of the Energy Harvesting Active Networks Tags (EnHANTs) project. Moreover, he has been focusing on the hardware and software integration for the EnHANT prototype.