On 20 May, 2020
WiMNet Ph.D. student Craig Gutterman and and former M.S. student Shounak Roy received awards from the Department of Electrical Engineering. Craig received the Electrical Engineering Collaborative Research Award – “presented to PhD candidates who make a superb contribution to a…
On 9 May, 2020
Craig Gutterman successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation titled “Learning for Network Applications and Control”. Over the past few years, Craig has made major contributions to WiMNet lab’s efforts in the area of learning in networks and focused on several domains…
On 30 Apr, 2018
NSF Announced a $22.5M Platforms for Advanced Wireless (PAWR) Grant awarded to the COSMOS project led by Rutgers, Columbia, and NYU in partnership with New York City, Silicon Harlem, City College of New York, and University of Arizona. The goal…
On 29 Apr, 2018
Andy (Lianghua) Xu, a WiMNet Lab B.S./M.S. Computer Science student, received the Russell C. Mills Award from the Department of Computer Science. This annual award, established by the Computer Science Department in 1992 in memory of Russell C. Mills, a…
On 30 May, 2017
Varun Gupta successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis titled “Measurement-Driven Algorithm and System Design for Wireless and Datacenter Networks”. Varun’s thesis focused on the design of architectures and algorithms for wireless and data center network. In particular, he led the AMuSe project where…
On 15 May, 2017
The following paper by WiMNet Ph.D. students Varun Gupta and Craig Gutterman, Research Scientist Dr. Yigal Bejerano, Prof. Gil Zussman, and collaborators from Nokia Bell Labs and Verizon was selected as a Runner-up for the Best Paper Award in IEEE INFOCOM’17….