Craig Gutterman defended his Ph.D. dissertation
Craig Gutterman successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation titled “Learning for Network Applications and Control”.
Over the past few years, Craig has made major contributions to WiMNet lab’s efforts in the area of learning in networks and focused on several domains including video streaming, Adaptive Multicast Services (AMuSe), dynamic optical networks, and 5G. He also contributed to the design and deployment of the COSMOS testbed. While studying towards the Ph.D., Craig received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, an NSF IGERT Fellowship, the Top Prize in the Enabling Technology category for a demo at the 2019 NYC Media Lab’s Annual Summit, and the Second Place Prize for demo in the 2015 NYC Media Lab Summit. He was a co-author of a paper that was Runner Up for Best Paper Award in IEEE INFOCOM’17. For more details, see the following previous news items.
Craig will join Facebook in Aug. 2020.