On 15 Sep, 2023
Prof. Zussman was a Keynote Speaker at the 3rd ACM Workshop on 5G and Beyond Network Measurements, Modeling, and Use Cases (5G-MeMU). The keynote focused on the COSMOS testbed. The abstract is below. This talk will provide an overview of…
On 20 Oct, 2021
Prof. Zussman was a Keynote Speaker at WiOpt 2021. The keynote focused on the COSMOS testbed. The abstract is below and and the slides are available here. The COSMOS Testbed – a Platform for Advanced Wireless, mmWave, Edge-cloud, and Optical…
On 15 Nov, 2019
Prof. Zussman was the Keynote Speaker at MobiQuitous 2019 (16th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services) and at the IEEE DySPAN 2019 Workshop on mmWave Communications and Networks. At MobiQuitous his keynote title was…
On 20 Nov, 2018
Prof. Zussman will give a Distinguished Lecture at the IEEE GlobalSIP 2018 Symposium on Information Processing, Learning and Optimization for Smart Energy Infrastructures. The lecture will focus on resilience of the power grid to cyber and physical attacks. The abstract is…
On 20 Nov, 2018
Prof. Zussman was a Plenary Speaker at the International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and Optimization (NETGCOOP 2018). The Plenary Talk focused on resilience of the power grid to cyber and physical attacks. The abstract is below and the presentation is…
On 6 Dec, 2013
Prof. Zussman gave a keynote talk at the IEEE GlobalSIP 2013 Symposium on Energy Harvesting and Green Wireless Communications. The keynote focused on the EnHANTs project. The abstract is below and the presentation slides are available here. Energy Harvesting…