Columbia University

The EnHANTs project was featured in the BBC/PRI’s The World

The EnHANTs project was featured in the BBC/PRI’s The World

During  the award ceremony of the Vodafone Americas Foundation Wireless Innovation Project competition in the Global Philanthropy Forum (Washington DC), Prof. Peter Kinget and Prof. Gil Zussman were interviewed in the BBC/PRI’s The World – Technology Podcast about the EnHANTs project. Download the interview as…

Prof. Zussman is a Faculty Mentor in an NSF REU Site

Prof. Zussman is a Faculty Mentor in an NSF REU Site

Prof. Zussman is one of the Faculty Mentors in a recently awarded NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site entitled “Integrated Optics for Undergraduates”, which is co-funded by the ASSURE program of the Department of Defense. The site is part of the NSF…

Vodafone Americas Foundation Announces Wireless Innovation Project Winners

Vodafone Americas Foundation Announces Wireless Innovation Project Winners

From Business Wire: SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Vodafone Americas Foundation today announced the winners of its Wireless Innovation Project, a new initiative that identifies and funds unique innovations using wireless related technology offering the best potential to address critical social…

Google Research Award

Google Research Award

Professors John Kymissis (PI), Peter Kinget, Dan Rubenstein, and Gil Zussman received a Google Research award for their project “Self-Powered, Networked Tags for Active Tracking of Physical Objects”. The objective of the project is to design hardware, algorithms, and software to enable active tracking…

Prof. Zussman joins the NSF CIAN Engineering Research Center (ERC)

Prof. Zussman joins the NSF CIAN Engineering Research Center (ERC)

Prof. Zussman joins the NSF Center for Integrated Access Networks (CIAN) Engineering Research Center (ERC). This multi-university center focuses on creating transformative optoelectronic telecom technologies enabling optical access and aggregation networks where virtually any application requiring any resource can be…